Friday, March 22, 2013

The Unknown Satanic Roots of TGIF

In the modern times that we live in, the phrase TGIF is a seemingly innocuous exultation of joy and/or relief that another work week has passed without incidental workplace firings or incidentaler workplace pregnancies or, in some parts of the country, the celebration of an Americana brand of restaurants.

Cheddar & Bacon weekend!

Though gaining popularity due to the “Shock Rock Comedy Block” of the mid-90s set of family-centric comedy situation sitcoms, the phrase TGIF has a truly sinister and shocking etymology!  

Not the original TGIF but someone who is equally glad it's Friday.

First credited to the ancient druids by way of the ancient pilgrims, TGIF was shorthand  for an extremely popular chant of the day: Tonight GSatan (original spelling) Is Free.  Though the spelling GSatan has given way to the more popular “Satan,” the druidic phrase “TGIF” remains.   Many scholars of the Dark Arts believe that the ceremony of Satan’s day to roam free upon the earth took place on Wednesday afternoon which, of course when shifted to our modern Latin calendar, is Friday night!!!!

Pictured: Druids working for the weekend!

It could not be clearer.  The next time someone thanks God that it’s Friday, ask them why they are so into their new bff Satan instead!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I dreamed a dream of time gone by

I am often pinned down by cats in my domicile, and this is a graphic representation of that.

Kitty has a merkin. NSFW!!!

Commie Baby

This is shocking, but even babies get into communism sometimes.

#1 - shocking

#2 - still shocking

#3 - cute but shocking at the same time

#4 - aww

Simply the best magazine

This is just a very good magazine about cooking and the joy of food!!!


THIS IS A(n exxxtreme) TEST!!!!!!!!!!!